Drinking water is important, and many people do not drink the recommended 2L per day. Why, then, do we have to constantly remind ourselves to drink enough to meet those requirements?


In other words, why is the body’s “red flag” so different than that for hunger? Why is the body’s mechanism to remind us to eat more conspicuous?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would like to point out that many of the “requirements” about drinking are myths made up by sports drink companies that we have come to believe simply because we have heard them hundreds or thousands of times. One myth is that if you are thirsty it is too late you are already dehydrated. That is a lie. Your bodies ability to tell you when it needs water is just as accurate as it’s ability to tell you it needs food.

If you are thirsty drink water.
If you are hungry eat food.

Bonus clip included from “Adam ruins everything”

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