Drinking water is important, and many people do not drink the recommended 2L per day. Why, then, do we have to constantly remind ourselves to drink enough to meet those requirements?


In other words, why is the body’s “red flag” so different than that for hunger? Why is the body’s mechanism to remind us to eat more conspicuous?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is no daily water recommended requirement, not a real one anyway. Before bottled water was available for sale, no one was pushing anyone to drink a certain amount of water. Once it became profitable to bottle and sell water, suddenly all these experts appeared with recommendations on how much water you need to drink – recommendations that were far in excess of the water any reasonable person drank on a daily basis. If you’re under 25, ask your parents if anybody ever recommended a certain amount of water to drink when they were kids. Their answer will almost certainly be “no.” Ignore any and all recommendations to drink water. If you’re thirsty, drink water. If you’re not thirsty, don’t worry about it. The only exception to this would be if you are working under a hot sun or high humidity and sweating profusely all day.Then it’s probably a good idea to ship water and more or less constantly throughout the day.

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