During WW2, when armies advancing through enemy territory captured enemy factories / oil refineries, how did this actually work in practice?


Did they have their own scientists / specialists travelling in the rear who then try to figure out how to get the facility back online? I’m assuming here that the enemy workers have already fled and the facilities are empty.

In: 77

20 Answers

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Factories and refineries are always going to have civilians nearby, they couldn’t flee (spelling) because a nation on the defensive is going to try and keep things running as long as they can.

They take them over and round up the facility’s management and technical people and either go one of two ways

“You’ve been liberated! We need you to get things going again as quick as you can and Major Whatever here of the Engineers will be your go-between to get you whatever you need. Rations will be provided for your workers and their families.”

“You were the manager yes? You will get things back up to speed correct? No?” *blam* “You were the deputy manager yes? You will get things back up to speed correct? Good! I’ll let you get to work then and Major Scowlingheim will be advising you.”

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