Ego and ego death?


Ego and ego death?

In: 2

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ego is essentially the sense of self, all the thoughts and feelings that make you self aware and define yourself to your self.

Ego death is the temporary loss of all of that. Many people describe it as a feeling of being connected to the universe as you become able to see past your self and become able to see reality unfiltered by your personal perceptions. People tend to describe feeling much more at peace, or as having a much more zen feeling after they come back.

In my case it instilled me with a sort of optimistic nihilism, the sense that nothing in the universe carries any inherent meaning and that nothing we do matters in the long run, so we might as well stop worrying about it and just do what makes us happy.

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Ego and ego death?

In: 2

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ego is essentially the sense of self, all the thoughts and feelings that make you self aware and define yourself to your self.

Ego death is the temporary loss of all of that. Many people describe it as a feeling of being connected to the universe as you become able to see past your self and become able to see reality unfiltered by your personal perceptions. People tend to describe feeling much more at peace, or as having a much more zen feeling after they come back.

In my case it instilled me with a sort of optimistic nihilism, the sense that nothing in the universe carries any inherent meaning and that nothing we do matters in the long run, so we might as well stop worrying about it and just do what makes us happy.

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