Eli5: 4th dimensional bodies, specifically the hypersphere


I can’t visualize them right now and I need someone to explain them to me simply

In: Mathematics

5 Answers

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Imagine a 2D universe. Totally flat. When a being or object (Benny) from a 3D universe interacts with the 2D universe, the beings in 2D will only ever be aware of the parts of Benny that are currently in their dimension. A very thin cross section of Benny. And as Benny moves, that cross section will change as different parts of Benny move in and out of the 2D space. 2D can’t comprehend what Benny is really like because they only ever see one tiny incomprehensible part at any given time. They might understand Benny’s shadow as a 2D object but little more than that.

Now see if you can translate that in your head to a 4D object interacting with our 3D universe. We would only ever comprehend part of the shape. Its shadow would be a 3D object we could probably understand.

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