Eli5 A Priori vs A Posteriori.


I’m trying to get through an introduction to Kants critique of pure reason. Is there a helpful mnemonic or trick to keeping the two straight?
I know A priori is reasoning through deduction, and that a posteriori is reasoning through experience or observations. But I have to keep looking it up to keep it straight when I read it.

In: Other

3 Answers

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The terms were introduced to me in statistics course. Here is how my professor described them:

Let’s say tossing a coin. A priori is deductive right? So based on facts, the coin has two sides and we know that. So the chances of getting heads or tails would be both 1/2.

However, a posteriori is all about experience and prior data. Let’s say you did an experiment of tossing coins. Out of 100 tosses, 70 of those landed on heads while 30 landed on tails. Based from that given data, you can say that the chances of getting heads would be 7/10 while tails are 3/10.

Hope this helps.

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