Eli5 as to why when one has a cold or the flu that your sense of taste doesn’t work?


I currently have a cold and can’t taste or smell anything. Why does it happen?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Taste and smell are strongly linked, and having a cold or the flu usually leaves you with a stuffy head, inhibiting your sense of smell.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pinch your nose with your fingers do you can‘t breathe through it. No eat something, it won‘t be anywhere as strong in flavor as normally. Smelling and tasting are linked, so if you have a cold/flu your nose is having a hard time smelling -> things taste different

Anonymous 0 Comments

The smell and taste thing makes sense. Thanks y’all!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your mouth only distinguishes four or five flavors (salty, sweet, bitter …). Most of the subtlety of flavors is in your nose.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The nerve that supplies your sense of taste is also the one that is in the floor of your nose. So, when the inflammation and mucus hit….2 for 1 special lockout really.

Anonymous 0 Comments

On a slightly related subject, I used to work in ENT but my memory is fading quite a bit. IIRC when a person has a total laryngectomy, they lose both their sense of taste, don’t they?