eli5: Asking for a friend, what is the difference between eating a whole bag of Reese’s cups in one sitting and eating it over the course of many days?


Obviously, this is a thought experiment. I would never do something like this but my friend had this random thought.

If it is the same amount of calories, is there a metabolic difference between eating a whole lot of candy at once and eating the same amount over many days?

I’ll have some candy while I wait. Thank you.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your blood’s insulin exposure will differ. Insulin is a hormone in your blood. It helps control where extra calories go. Eating them all at once will result in a very sharp spike in insulin immediately when the calories are consumed. Eating them over many days will expose you to consistently elevated insulin levels for a longer time. This could result in insulin resistance if it continues for long enough. I’m not an expert myself, I read a book called The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung which talks extensively about insulin and its effects. I recommend taking a look at it if you’re interested.

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