Eli5 big tough hands


I’m curious why old farmers and construction workers have big thick fingers.
I work a manual labor job and my fingers get obviously thicker over the course of a few months.
If there are no muscles in my fingers, why do they get thicker?
This came to mind because I’m getting married soon and my ring doesn’t fit.

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are not muscles in the fingers, but there are muscle insertions in the fingers. The muscles are fastened to the bone by ligaments, which can thicken & strengthen over time, if you work with your hands.

You will also develop callouses, which is thickened layers of skin, due to wear & tear in the same spots over time. Additionally, there are fat deposits in your fingers, which can contribute to thickening. Temperature plays a roll in finger size, where hotter months will cause swelling. Salt & water intake can also cause swelling in the fingers, such that a high sodium intake will cause water retention & increase the diameter of your fingers.

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