eli5 borderline personality disorder?


There are a lot of bpd people on my discord server. I respect them, I don’t understand what bpd is.
Their speech pattern is normal, their behavior is normal, their EVERYTHING is normal.
Clearly, they’re hiding something over their “normality mask”, but what?

I tried reading some articles about it. No dice – the articles were either very clinical to the point where I understood every third or fourth word, or very “this person basically has mood swings.”
I tried talking with them. Again, no dice – “I have mood swings, basically.”
I tried talking with my neurologist. “They have bad mood swings, basically.”

I once tried to kill a dude who was honking for straight 45 minutes (kepprage) while other shit was piling up on me. TBF, that was one occurrence. That didn’t land me in the bpd zone.

Just how bad are their bad their mood swings are?!
What does it take to get to the bpd zone?!
What is this bpd?

Explain like I’m legitimately 5, but with a larger vocabulary.

In: 6

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have BPD – it’s caused by extreme instability or abuse/neglect from childhood or adolescence. Essentially it is a personality disorder where you cannot handle big emotions correctly and have extreme abandonment issues. Everything is difficult with BPD, but personal relationships are where it hits the most.

For some reason when we meet someone who has mood issues we assume it’s something like bipolar. If you meet someone who is happy, sad, angry, depressed, and then happy again all within an hour or two that is usually a sign of borderline personality disorder. A neurologist will do nothing when it comes to diagnosing BPD. If anyone suspects that they may have it, they need to see a psychologist. The DSM diagnostic criteria is this: (you must have 5/9 of the characteristics to be diagnosed and experience those characteristics consistently for more than 6 months)

1. Fear of abandonment
2. Unstable or changing relationships
3. Unstable self image; struggles with identity or sense of self
4. Impulsive or self damaging behaviors (excessive spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse, binge eating, reckless behavior)
5. Suicidal behavior or self injury
6. Varied or random moods
7. Constant feelings or worthlessness or sadness
8. Problems with anger
9. Stress-related paranoia or loss of contact with reality.

Anger issues alone are not enough to be diagnosed, and BPD has similar characteristics to bipolar disorder, ADHD, and Autism- a lot of us have been misdiagnosed prior to the correct BPD diagnosis. It’s important to find a therapist if you believe you might fall under the BPD category. BPD is extremely hard to treat and usually difficult to diagnose. It is much, much more than “oh I have mood swings” and it can ruin relationships so quickly if it goes untreated. My therapist told me the average age of death for those of us that have BPD is 27 years old because it has the highest suicide rate out of all the personality disorders. There is no such thing as a “BPD zone”.


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