Eli5: Borderline personality disorder??


Was recently diagnosed and I still don’t really have a grasp of what it essentially is. Specifically the symptom “Unstable view of one’s self image”. But the whole thing kinda still confuses me.

In: Other

5 Answers

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It didn’t like my previous answer because I used my personal experience with the disorder but the fact of the matter is that that’s my experience in my professional work as well because I both have it and work in psychiatric healthcare. 🖕

People get so overwhelmed with their emotions and especially adrenaline that they forget who they are and what they want out of a situation and they do things that they later express regret for.

And many of them have difficulty retaining their own opinions on everything from their clothes to what acceptable behavior even is when someone they have an emotional dependency on says otherwise. In fact my psychiatric nursing instructor specifically told us to try to shift to neutral language to help them strengthen their own sense of self in the absence of providing opinions for them.

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