eli5 Can a magnetic field protect you from nuclear ration?


The earths magnetic field shields earth from comic rays.

Can a Magnetic field shield against nuclear radiation?


is there a difference between comic rays and nuclear radiation?

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6 Answers

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Yes, with a major but.

Nuclear radiation comes in several different flavours: alpha & beta, which are chunks of partial atoms and gamma which is electromagnetic. Functionally, Cosmic Rays are like alpha & beta radiation, partial chunks of atoms flying around the universe of extremely high speeds.

Alpha, Beta and Cosmic Rays have an electrical charge, so they can be deflected using the magnetic field, but they are extremely high energy and would require a massive electromagnetic field to provide protection. The reason that Earth’s electromagnetic field is effective at block cosmic rays is because it’s giant, drawing it’s power from the iron in the Earth’s molten core. It’s literally planet sized.

Gamma Rays are just electromagnetic radiation, so they can be interfered with by other electromagnetic fields, but generating a field capable of doing so is problematic. Gamma rays have a frequency small enough to screw with the function of cells in your body, so any field that would interfere with them would be able to do the same thing. It’s not a good idea.

Generally speaking, matter is a lot more effective at blocking radiation than electromagnetic fields.

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