eli5 Can a magnetic field protect you from nuclear ration?


The earths magnetic field shields earth from comic rays.

Can a Magnetic field shield against nuclear radiation?


is there a difference between comic rays and nuclear radiation?

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6 Answers

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Sure, magnetic field may affect movement of charged particles i.e. atomic nuclei or electrons which constitute alpha and beta radiation. There have even been studies that propose active magnetic shielding for spacecraft that will go on Mars mission and further.

But. There always is a but. Magnetic fields do not in anyway affect high-energy photons of gamma radiation. So hiding behind something is still better.

Also, the safety of prolonged exposure to these ‘active magnetic shielding devices is still to be studied.

Add: there is a difference between cosmic rays and radiation. Nuclear radiation is comprised of three particle types: alpha, beta and gamma, which are helium nuclei, electrons(positrons) and photons. These particles are emitted when atoms decay.
Cosmic rays, however are mostly ions that are emitted from our sun or other stars coronae. Ions are atoms that lose some or all of their electrons. But cosmic rays consist mostly of hydrogen and helium nuclei.

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