Eli5 Can anyone tell me what is github and how do people normally use it or understand?


I’ve recently come across the name ‘github’ and i know that it is a server in Scandinavia somewhere which people can apparently use it somehow idk. Would help if you someone could lay down everything regarding it…

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A site to share program code and collaborate with other software developers. It’s not that different from a plain old filesharing service like Dropbox. It has however a massive amount of tools that simplify working as a team on a single piece of code, in its entirety called **Git**. This makes it possible to e.g. “fork off” your own versions, make changes, and then automatically “merge” them back into the main version after you’ve finished doing your work.

And it’s not the only site that uses Git in this way, just the most popular one. Git is free software, anyone with a web server could set up a similar service.

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