Eli5 Can anyone tell me what is github and how do people normally use it or understand?


I’ve recently come across the name ‘github’ and i know that it is a server in Scandinavia somewhere which people can apparently use it somehow idk. Would help if you someone could lay down everything regarding it…

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Github is an online platform for managing software code. As you can imagine, with dozens of programmers working on a project that could be several million lines of code, you need a good way of tracking who made what changes when, what those changes were, and so on. Github gives you that and some other useful tools like bug tracking, feature requests (for users to request new functionality) , and some other project management tools.

Some people have expanded its use beyond just code. After all, code is just text with a particular meaning to a compiler for that language. So they’ll use GitHub to manage other text-based documents where they also need that level of tracking and group editing capability.

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