Eli5: can my boobs get floppy from running without bra?

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Eli5: can my boobs get floppy from running without bra?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

No. Some people just have floppy boobs. They also can get floppier when you get older.

I’ve heard that it is uncomfortable, though.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. Sports bras are compressive because it can be uncomfortable to run/exercise with unsupported breats, not because boobs are made of silly putty thay stretches with every bounce.

Breasts are made of mostly fat and connective tissue surrounding mammary glands. The level of sag mostly has to do with age and genetics.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, running can permanently damage breast ligaments called Cooper’s ligaments. These ligaments attach the breasts to the chest muscles and support them. Running puts a lot of strain on these ligaments, which can cause them to stretch and the breasts to sag. The constant movement and bouncing of running can also permanently stretch the ligaments, resulting in drooping breasts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not an expert on this topic. Skin is a wonderful stretchy elastic material. Running braless won’t sag your boobs immediately but there is a limit to this. I think over time unsupported breasts will sag more than supported breasts.

Every material in the world changes shape permanently when a load it’s applied long enough. A metal spring under compression won’t decompress back to its original size and a rubber band will elongate permanently if you hang a weight from it for long enough. I don’t know why skin would be different.

I don’t know if running which will stretch and relax your skin over and over again increases sag. There ours very little research on this topic. But materials other than skin show this effect. It’s called “creep.” Google “creep deformation”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its actually healthier to go unsupported it allows your natural connective tissues to do what they were meant to do – support.