Eli5: deep sea fish and bringing them to the surface


So some fish live in extreme pressures deep below the ocean. I understand that they have adapted to this pressure but is there any way to bring them to the surface in like an aquarium type structure. Say you pressurized a capsule with them in it. Would that be the same effect as being deep below the ocean? Also to achieve that pressure would it be as simple as say applying a press to said aquarium to increase the pressure in there or am I understanding the whole thing wrong?

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, with that question, you’ve shown, that you’ve already understood quite a lot. From a pressure point of view it really is that simple. Catch the thing in a container, make shure that container stays at that pressure while bringing it up an into the aquarium, which should be pressurized. For inserting the creature into the aquarium youd maybe need an airlock kind of contraption.

Besides the pressure, where it gets tricky is replicaring the general loving environment of the creature. Where it comes from, there’s also little to no light (so no glass windows or lights in that aquarium).
Also it’s quite cold.
Pressure and temperature have an effect on the salinity of the water (how salty it is).

So I imagine, bringing up deep sea creatures isn’t quite worth the effort making sure the thing will survive. You’d probably end up with a reinforced metal Tube with no way to look at it directly and a ton of controlling equipment around it

Anonymous 0 Comments

So theoretically you could put them in a pressurized capsule but it would be a difficult feat of engineering to keep it oxygenated and pressurized .for the second part of your question you can visualize pressure by picturing a column of air or water and the weight of it pressing down on all surface area.so to put the fish in an aquarium you would need an insanely deep tank as water isn’t compressible

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sorry it just blows my mind we can send humans down to the depths but going Vice versa and sending a fish from the depths up is extremely difficult