[ELI5] Despite the obvious budget differences, why do some tv shows look so much “cheaper” than movies?


Like, from a cinematography standpoint? If you have shitty actors, shitty costume design, a shitty story or shitty dialogue, that’s one thing, but why do some tv shows seem like they are just filmed so poorly, with no depth to the images, and a very…I don’t know, “non-cinematic” look?

So many times I try to get into a tv show and I just can’t because the filming style makes it look so, so fake. More like I’m watching a play than an edited and polished piece of video entertainment. I notice this most often with sci-fi or horror tv shows.

Is it really just a matter of not having a high enough budget to pay for highly skilled camera operators and editors? Is it just inexperienced filmmaking on the director’s part?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually set up of scenes, set design and lighting. In a movie, every time the camera angle changes, you may have new lighting. On a tv show, a lot of time you have multiple cameras but one lighting setup, which makes production quicker.

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