Eli5: Were detroits rivers and lakes lower than they normally would be? Was there less rain because these gallons were missing from the atmosphere? Was there any affect at all in nature from these millions of gallons of water going missing?
“–3.5 million gallons (13.2 million liters) of water was pumped from the basement”
In: Biology
> Were detroits rivers and lakes lower than they normally would be? Was there less rain because these gallons were missing from the atmosphere? Was there any affect at all in nature from these millions of gallons of water going missing?
The world is big. Way bigger than you think, apparently.
3.5 million gallons of water is about 5 Olympic-sized swimming pools. That is quite a lot of water to be in a basement but in the grand scheme of things it isn’t very much water at all. There is no measurable change to the environment from that being in a basement.
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