eli5: difference between 32 bit and 64 bit OS.


eli5: difference between 32 bit and 64 bit OS.

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8 Answers

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It’s not really the OS that is different, but the underlying hardware.

Deep inside your CPU, there are lines that connect the various components together. These are called “bus”, and buses are designed with a specific bit width. This determines how much information your computer can operate on with a single instruction, as well as total amount of memory it can address at once.

Since the operating system is the piece of software that basically does the most direct interactions with the hardware, especially in terms of memory management, it needs to match the underlying bit width of the hardware to operate correct. For example, a 32 bit operating system can address up 4 gigabits ram (2^32), meaning that it can’t use any more even if you would have it installed.

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