Eli5: Do nations with well developed and complex militaries use guerrilla warfare?


Eli5: Do nations with well developed and complex militaries use guerrilla warfare?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most special units around the world are trained so that in a disaster, they’ll be able to raise/train a new army. Due to the low quantity of troops, guerrilla tactics come very useful in order to constantly pinch a bigger enemy unit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, but you usually don’t use the term. Guerrilla warfare is asymmetrical warfare using ambush tactics, sabotage, hit and run, that kind of thing. Commando units and whatnot use those tactics as well. But, “guerrilla” as a term also usually refers to combatants that aren’t part of a formal military. So I would argue that formal militaries do employ similar tactics when needed, but you wouldn’t call it “guerilla warfare”

Anonymous 0 Comments

You mean like CIA actions or russian “mercenaries”. Yes.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Interestingly, guerilla warfare is a very important part of the Swiss defense plan. The plan in case of invasion has two parts, in which a lot of money has been invested.

1. There’s more than enough space in nuclear bunkers to hold the entire population.
2. There are checkpoints with weapons and ammo hidden all over the mountain. In case of war, all those called upon, know where to report, get gear and receive orders. The invader won’t have a lot of trouble getting ground, but will be in for many surprises when holding it.