ELi5 : Do overtaking vehicles appear to be travelling faster or slower than if I was stationary?


If I’m in a car travelling at 60mph and am over-taken by a car travelling at 75 mph, do they appear to travel at the same relative speed as when I am stationary and and a car passes me at 15 mph?

Or is this different because we are both moving?

Thanks for any answers.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s completely the same. When you are both moving, the only thing that could alter your perception is the moving background. That could give you the impression that it’s faster than it is. But physically it is the same.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Motion is always relative. So a car moving at 75mph (relative to a stationary object) is moving 15mph relative to you (at 60mph).

Anonymous 0 Comments

It will appear the same way as it will take the same amount of time to pass you in either circumstance. However, some outside visual cues may give you different impressions of the speed of the other car, like how fast it’s tires are spinning and that in the first scenario the environment is whizzing by you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thanks for the answers, all very helpful.