Eli5: Do vitamins drinks/pills really work


Does it actually work or is the whole thing a placebo

In: Biology

12 Answers

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Most do work. Vitamins are vital minerals. Your body can’t make them on it’s own. So if you don’t get them in your diet somehow, eventually you’ll experience problems from the lack of them. [Scurvy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scurvy) for instance is due to a lack of vitamin C.

The thing is that it’s kinda hard to not get enough vitamins just living a normal life. Lack of vitamins used to be a problem until there was an increased push for [fortified food](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_fortification). Now in most first world countries you’ll most likely get all the vitamins you need so long as you don’t eat the same food every day. Vitamin pills/drinks help make sure you’re not deficient, but in most cases they probably aren’t needed.

Some vitamin products can be a little bit misleading in their claims. For instance one may claim that it provides 300% of your daily vitamin C to really give your body a boost to fight off infections, when your body just needs a little amount of vitamin C for the immune system to function optimally. Any more vitamin C than that doesn’t supercharge the immune system. It is instead promptly removed from your body by the kidneys because too much can cause problems.

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