ELi5: Do you get the same benefits from sleep if you’ve had a nightmare?


ELi5: Do you get the same benefits from sleep if you’ve had a nightmare?

In: 1454

13 Answers

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The biggest advantage of nightmares, is that when you dream, you dream about things you wish you had, but don’t, and depending on the thing, you might not even ever get.

Nightmares don’t trick you like that, they don’t make you realise your life is sad because you’re missing the things you want. Instead, nightmares show you thee living hell out of the things you don’t want, and when you wake up you start realising you love your version of life, where almost everything is perfect.

That’s why I think nightmares can be good, but I don’t want my brain broadcasting the things I fear, but the tings I Like, so like every reasonable person, I prefer dreams, obviously.

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