Eli5 executive functioning. I have ADHD and want to tie my shoe, and I’m reaching to tie my shoe, but the part.exe that makes me actually tie my shoe doesn’t work?


Eli5 executive functioning. I have ADHD and want to tie my shoe, and I’m reaching to tie my shoe, but the part.exe that makes me actually tie my shoe doesn’t work?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know my shoe is untied, I know I could trip, I know I look sloppy, but to tie it would have to find a place where I could stop walking without disrupting anyone, and be tucked away, not noticed, and also not stop walking where I was going because I need to get to that place and if I stop i will be later than I already am, or might get distracted and side tracked by something I see while I stopped, and maybe I should sit down in a bench instead of just kneeling because then I’m out of the way and I wouldn’t get bumped into, but that bench has someone sitting on it and they look like they might be grumpy so maybe the next bench, it’s just a little farther away, right beside that food truck, and I didn’t have lunch and it’s already 3pm and i really should get something to eat, but I don’t really want what they’re selling, so I’ll just keep going, oh- I passed that bench, but the place i’m going is just around the corner so I’ll keep going and get there pretty much on time, and isn’t it convenient that I don’t have to undo that shoe, i can just slip it off at the front door. I’ll have to remember to tie it better when I leave.

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