eli5 Extrusion process


I’m a recruiter for an employment agency so we deal with a multitude of different jobs. I don’t know a lot about the industrial aspects and I come across extrusion a lot and “racking extrusions” ….what the hell is extrusion?

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5 Answers

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The extrusion factory is basically a giant playdoh factory with hot metal. [Take somewhat soft material, ram it through a specific shape, get a really long version of that shape on the other side](https://www.cvs.com/bizcontent/merchandising/productimages/large/7693022730.jpg)

Aluminum extrusion is fairly common and can be used to make things like hollow aluminum tube assemblies and can also be used to make older style heatsinks (not the tiny fins, the thick fins). They use a large hydraulic press rated for hundreds of tons to ram the aluminum through a die to get it into the right shape

You can use extrusions to make items of pretty much any length, its a relatively fast process compared to forging so it can produce miles of product per week

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