Eli5 feedback loop


I remember my high school bio teacher telling us that our body maintains homeostasis through a feedback loop like a house furnace maintains temperature. The furnace kicks on whenever it is needed to heat the house back up to the desired temperature and then shuts off again when that temperature is reached. But wouldn’t it be more efficient to just stay on at a low level always maintaining that temperature? Sort of how a car would maintain its speed. Cruise control works by maintaining the desired speed. Not speeding back up to that speed once it slows to a different speed. Right?

In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is more difficult for things that are “on” or “off” with no throttles like cruise control on a car has. You could introduce a “throttle” into a heater by say having 2, 4, or all 6 burners going, but that introduces complexity. How to determine how many burners are needed, separate solenoids and gas lines for them, etc. People expect reliability from their HVAC because it is important, the more moving parts you have the more likely it is to fail.

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