eli5: For games that are in development for long stretches of time (like cyberpunk – 8yrs), how do developers deal with advancing technology?


Or are games like Cyberpunk or Red Dead just made with early-mid 2010’s tech?

Edit: to clarify, development didn’t actually start 8 years ago, but rather the game was announced 8 years ago. Thanks to the commenters for letting me know!

In: Technology

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In general games are done ahead of their time and when all the content is done it’s optimized to work on current generation of technology. For example almost all 3d models in the game are done in very high quality and then details are lowered and/or faked for version used in the game. If during the development there is a significant leap in technology you only need to make new version of in-game model not totally new model.

Like others have said CP2077 was probably done on in 4-5 years and before that it was mostly on paper. It’s worth mentioning that sometimes when game takes more than 3-4 years it means that initial stuff went to trash or at least most of it. So you can say that game was in production for 8 years, and it’s somewhat true, but the thing you are playing was actually made in 3-4.

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