eli5: For games that are in development for long stretches of time (like cyberpunk – 8yrs), how do developers deal with advancing technology?


Or are games like Cyberpunk or Red Dead just made with early-mid 2010’s tech?

Edit: to clarify, development didn’t actually start 8 years ago, but rather the game was announced 8 years ago. Thanks to the commenters for letting me know!

In: Technology

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cyberpunk wasn’t in development for 8 years. It was maybe announced 8 or so years ago but development didn’t actually start until after The Witcher 3 blood and wine DLC so the game was only in development for the better part of 4 years, but to answer your question: Compared to the leap in changes from the early 2000s to now, the leap from say 2012-now is very small in terms of any new groundbreaking technologies. Apart from perhaps VR and Nvidias RTX technology there are very little significant changes been made in the past 8 years, sure lighting, shadows, textures, AI, environments are all better now because modern hardware can handle it but overall not a lot has changed in the past decade. Anything new or different that has to be implemented will be implemented via the game code or engine tools as development continues and most changes are of little significance that game code or tools can be updated as needed and do not pose any real hindrance to the development of the game. There are so many people working on AAA titles that there are always people on hand to make any changes that need to be implemented so development can continue as normal and not cause any delays.

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