Fracking is a shortened term for the process called hydraulic fracturing. Basically it’s a process for oil and gas extraction where high pressure fluid is injecting into wells drilled deep down into rock. This high pressure fluid causes cracks to form in the rock, which makes it easier to then extract the oil and gas.
Pros and cons are somewhat subjective. I suppose a pro would be that it allows easier and cheaper extraction of lots of oil and gas (and thus, theoretically, lowering oil and gas prices), but that could also be seen as a con. Fracking also has a number of environmental concerns. First, having more oil and gas means more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to increase global warming. Fracking also has local environmental concerns. Some of the chemicals used in fracking fluid are toxic and can leach into the ground water and surface water, which is a source for drinking water and agricultural water for many people. Also, Fracking uses up a lot of water as part of the fracking fluid, so that diverts local water resources away from things like agriculture and human needs, and can be an issue in areas with limited water resources.
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