eli5: Gravity on the moon


Did the first astronauts understand what it felt like to walk on the moon prior to departing? And if so how was it calculated and recreated?

In: Physics

6 Answers

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The fact that there would be lower gravity on the moon’s surface has been known long before sending astronauts or probes to it was anywhere near possible.

You can simply observe the moon figure out its size and the effect of its gravity on the earth and come to right result. Early attempts to figuring out how much mass the moon had weren’t exactly exact. Issac Newton for example grossly underestimated it when he calculated it based on tides, but by the time spaceflight became a thing we had much better observations and could calcuate the moon’s surface gravity relatively exactly.

The low gravity on the moon and mars and how it would feel like was a thing commonly discussed in sci-fi stories at that time.

There isn’t a good way to simulate low gravity on earth.

We can add apparent gravity by linear and rotational acceleration and for example put people into centrifuges to make them feel like they are in higher gravity, but the only way to make lower gravity is to go down towards earth at the right speed in a plane or long elevator and that will eventually end due to the ground getting in the way.

One thing NASA did to train for low-g was putting astronauts in pools of water with their suits to use the buoyancy to simulate weighing less but that is not really a good facsimile.

BY the time people went to the moon for the first time we already had a few years worth of practical experience with zero-g. And it turned out that some of the fanciful notions of what it might do to people had been wrong.

To get to the moon astronauts had to endure quite a bit of travel in zero g and so there was little concern that it would affect them too badly.

So the Neil Armstrong and Buzz aldrin new intellectually what it might feel like to walk on the moon in low gravity. But until they did it no human had ever experienced the real thing, to know what it really felt like.

The ones who came after them could at least ask them to prepare themselves.

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