Eli5: Gutter question


So I understand the purpose of the Gutter is to protect the foundation of the house. I took a look at neighbors’ houses, most of them have gutter leading just inches away from the house straight to the yard. For the ones that lead to cement sidewalk, I can understand, but for those literally just inches straight to the yard, will that really make any differences compare to without gutter?

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2 Answers

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Ideally yes the gutters should drain at least 4 feet from the house, ideally even up to 10 feet.

It it’s draining right next to the house, then that probably isn’t really helping.

Unless their yard has a good slope/grade to it. If the yard has a good enough slope/grade to it down away from the house, then that alone could be enough to help get the water to drain away. But if it’s a pretty flat area then it probably isn’t helping too much.

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