Eli5: How are electric vehicles more eco friendly gas cars?


I know that gas vehicles produce gasses that pollute the atmosphere and electric vehicles don’t emit anything which is good. But even in the perfect scenario where you’re going from solar, to battery, to car the components are still made of parts that can’t be recycled. The batteries have acids that need to be disposed of somehow. At a large scale wouldn’t all this excess chemical waste be just as much a pollutant than gas vehicle emissions?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are correct. Electric cars solve one problem (air pollution) by creating another problem (landfill pollution).

Similarly, solar panels solve air pollution by creating heat islands (which changes wind patterns and weather).

Wind turbines solve air pollution by creating barriers to wind currents (which changes wind patterns and weather).

Hydroelectric dams solve air pollution by creating barriers to water currents (which changes humidity, aquafers, and weather).

If you have too much of one thing you get a problem. The solution is to diversify and spread out. We can’t leave all our energy in fossil fuels because we cannot leave all our energy in any one thing, regardless.

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