eli5: how are new microchips designed?


Whenever I watch videos on the insanely complex creation of microchips they also talk about how they are replicated to mass produce them, but skip over how the initial design is made. How is something so miniscule and complex designed or planned out?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just a bunch of transistors wired together, given enough time you could draw it out. However we have made circuits that carry out more complex functions, again, it’s just made out of transistors. When someone wants a microchip with that function, they can add that circuit onto what they are designing and make a bigger circuit that performs a more complex function. It’s the combination of decades of work in both computation and boolean algebra.

You can fit upwards of 100 billion transistors on a single chip, but a human doesn’t go through and dictate where each one goes or how they’re wired together, but rather we combine several sub assemblies that someone else designed.

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