Eli5: how are people on YouTube able to tame aggressive animals such as crocodiles, bears, tigers, cobras etc


Eli5: how are people on YouTube able to tame aggressive animals such as crocodiles, bears, tigers, cobras etc

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Who on YouTube is taming any of these animals?

Anonymous 0 Comments

First they need a youtube channel. Then they find a wild animal and be nice to it. But it won’t work unless they have a YouTube channel

Anonymous 0 Comments

They aren’t so much tame as they are dominated.

you can make nearly any creature submit if you have the keys to the cage and the food supply.

Anonymous 0 Comments

First, a warning. Please do not go and try to tame wild animals. You’ll most likely violate some laws and possibly get hurt.

The definition of “tame” is pretty loose. It’s quite possible to make a video with a wild or only partially tamed animal, you just need to not include the parts of the video in which it wasn’t acting so tame. Most animals can be made used to close proximity to people, especially if raised from a young age. That doesn’t necessarily make them fully safe to be around but it can allow you to get close enough and spend enough time around say, a tiger to make a video.