Eli5: How are phones waterproof even though the charging port terminals can be exposed to water and not short circuit them?


Eli5: How are phones waterproof even though the charging port terminals can be exposed to water and not short circuit them?

In: 4320

17 Answers

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Lots of really bad answers.

Charging ports aren’t powered until a charger is plugged in. Not charger, no power, no short.

When a charger is plugged in, things become more interesting.

* modern phone chargers actually negotiate power levels with the phone. They essentially start at zero then decide how much higher to go. If there’s water in the port, no negotiation, no power, no short

* phones can provide further protection by detecting when water is present and electronically disconnecting the charging port. No connection, no power , no short.


Eli5: it’s like a secret door that requires a knock and a passcode. If you think the door is going to hurt you, you don’t knock. If the person behind the door thinks your going to hurt them, they don’t answer the door.

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