eli5 how blinking lights give people seizures


i don’t know anything about brains or brain chemistry

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6 Answers

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It’s not all that common but people with epilepsy have some kink of error in their brain. This error can come from genetics, infections, or even brain trauma. Either way the error allows multiple brain cells to force other brain cells to fire in sync with each other in an unnatural way. Every memoru, thought, experience, idea, etc. Is just a different arrangement of tons of brain cells, called neurons firing off in a specific way. In the case of epilepsy eventually that sync reaches the part of the brain that you use to consciously move your body, sending rapid pulsing signals to the muscles. Thus all the consciously controlled muscles go stiff at once.

Think of it like a big orchestra made up of hundreds of musicians and instruments. When playing normally they all produce their own individual sounds and patterns that harmonize with each other. Epilepsy is like having a conductor for the orchestra that sneezes at certain unusual things. Every so often that thing is presented to the conductor and they sneeze hard. As the baton gets violently whipped around the orchestra loses sync and begins to sound odd. If he is given a sneezing fit, suddenly the orchestra is following along with the conductors erratic movements and there isn’t any music anymore, just noise.

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