Eli5: how blue eyes are different


I keep hearing that other color eyes have pigment to make them that color but with blue eyes they have no pigment and it is the physical structure that only reflects blue.

How is that any different than any other color?

Doesn’t red paint only look red because it reflects red light?

Doesn’t brown pigment only look brown because it reflects brown light?

I thought that is how all color worked, by reflecting only that kind of light.

People say it about blue eyes like it’s somehow different but it sounds the same to me

In: 7

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

While I can’t speak to the truthfulness of this claim, I can do the physics. Pigments get their color from chemistry – the way that light interacts with molecules.

There is another way to create color. Well, a few but, we can skip the rest. This one comes from the physical structure of the object. For instance, the shiny rainbow oil slicks that can develop on the wet ground. This happens because of the wavelike nature of light – when the surface shapes are around the same size as the wavelength they can interact differently with different wavelengths. Reflecting some and absorbing others.

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