ELi5: how can a single fertlized egg/cell produce a full body with so many different cell types? are we talking about extracting a compressed file or making factories which has different products to produce?


ELi5: how can a single fertlized egg/cell produce a full body with so many different cell types? are we talking about extracting a compressed file or making factories which has different products to produce?

In: 22

7 Answers

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Tl;dr it’s a bit of both. Or you can watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydqReeTV_vk)

It’s a bit of both. Almost all your cell contains all the data needed to make a perfect biological clone of you, if the cloning machine was perfect.
The same happens with the egg. It has all the data in it, now it needs to build it. So, taking all the nutrition from the mother, it starts building. The cells divide and take on different roles. There are roles like becoming organs, or signaling other groups of cells on what to do and what not to do. So some become factories which will make products like blood and stuff, others will become the organs themselves.

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