ELI5 how can Amazon get a package delivered the next day so fast?


I ordered a item off Amazon around like 4PM yesterday and at 11PM the item was already scanned at the postal office in my state. Now it’s out to be delivered today.

That’s crazy fast, how are they able to do it?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They keep their regional and local warehouses stocked with the items. Using algorithms (math type stuff) they can fairly accurately guesstimate the stock needed at each of their regional/local distribution centers to meet those orders.

They also give a discount/perk to Prime members who elect to NOT get their items one/two day or recently they have gone to a “Prime Day” where they deliver any orders in the same day. This allows them to be able to more accurately predict shipping and stocking/inventory needs and plan for them.

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