eli5: How can both heat and cold help achy bones/muscles?


I mean they’re opposites so how do a warm bath and an icepack seemingly have the same affect on sore muscles or other injuries?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Answer: they only seem to have the same effect when in reality they are really effecting two different things. The warm water causes the muscles to relax by increasing blood flow. Cold treatment does the opposite it reduces blood flow and in turn inflamation here is a rather good article for you.


Anonymous 0 Comments


I think these are two different therapies usually recommended for different types and/or phases of injuries.

RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

This shuts down blood flow and inflammation. Inflammation brings blood and repair cells, but sometimes inflammation can be too much and actually cause excess pain and delayed healing. When you want to stop immediate inflammation right then and pain, such as an acute injury to hard tissue, RICE may be the temporary approach.

MEAT – Movement/Moist Heat, Exercise, Analgesics, Treatment

This encourages blood flow to the area and relaxes muscles. If you want healing, an immune response, and repair for a chronic injury to soft tissue, heat and increased movement may be the appropriate medium term approach.

tl;dr – ice for short term immediate injury to hard tissue, heat for a long term chronic injury to soft tissue.