eli5: How can flies react to us so quickly but not a Venus fly trap that’s closing its leaves?


eli5: How can flies react to us so quickly but not a Venus fly trap that’s closing its leaves?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Venus Flytrap is very fast, and it only has to partially close to trap the fly.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Flies have super fast neurons for responding to light. They probably also have hairs on their bodies to detect air pressure which gives them plenty of time. Flying things consume a lot of energy, so the reaction processing is no big deal. But plants are lazy. They don’t inhale oxygen and only use photosynthesis, so they have limited energy. By moving slowly, they use a lot of energy for a plant, but much less than moving fast. It’s not the speed, but the mechanis. Also the slow reaction helps prevent the fly from realizing. But the plant does not have enough energy to move faster, I’m guessing

Anonymous 0 Comments

Venus Flytraps only have to move a few centimeters to trap a fly, while humans have to move several feet to swat one. They can see us coming from a mile away.