ELI5, how can we lose an average 100 hairs a day and not go bald?


If we’re sprouting new hairs from the empty follicles, and the new guys grow at the same rate as the others, they’d take forever to catch up to the length of the rest of your hair. Make it make sense, please.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve been growing new hairs all your life, so there are hairs at all various lengths on your head. The 100 hairs that fall out today are replaced by a 100 hairs that start growing two months ago. The hairs that grow out of the newly-emptied follicles will replace hairs that fall out in two months. It’s just a constant, steady stream of old hairs being replaced by new hairs. We just don’t notice because the average person has about 100,000 hairs on their head, so a loss of 100 hairs (0.1%) is basically undetectable.

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