ELI5, how can you tell if flashing in videos is severe enough to need an epilepsy warning?


Prompted to ask because some channels I watch on YouTube put warnings, and some don’t… But the “severity” of the flashing always seems very different in the channels that do put warnings.
I don’t currently have anyone in my life with epilepsy, but I definitely wish I understood what could be a problem for anyone I may meet in the future.

In: 6

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

At least for broadcast television, there is a standard called the [Harding Test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harding_test), which is done by proprietary software that determines if elements within a video could effect people with epilepsy. Broadcast networks & streaming services in the US and UK use this test for programming and commercials.

The software for the test is very expensive, but you can check your content via uploading to [their website](https://hardingtest.com/pricing) if you’re interesting in finding out if your content would pass.

Since it is so expensive, [here’s another helpful site](https://veroniiiica.com/2018/09/05/how-to-check-videos-for-flashing-light-sensitivities/) that includes some tips to help avoid common mistakes and when/where to include warnings for viewers.

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