eli5: How come an old Nintendo DS battery lasts forever and will play for a long time on a charge but modern phone batteries deteriorate so much within a few years?


My 15 year old well worn DS lite seems like the battery capacity hasn’t changed at all over time, but my 6 year old Galaxy S6 has a very noticeable quickly draining battery. I think processor and system load has something to do with it but they are both lithium ion I believe. Me no get

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Edit: I stand corrected.

I will be more careful about where I get my information from and make sure to fact check my statements, before I spread false information in the future

Thank you to u/Pocok5 and u/d2factotum for pointing out my mistakes in their comments.

~~Easy. Same reason they made light bulbs have a certain living spance.~~

~~They could make a light bulb that will shine for literally 100 of years. They already did (Google Centennial Light for more info), but there’s not much business in making things last.~~

~~So I guess, just like the light bulb, the battery industry has to make their products last as short as possible but still long enough for the consumer to accept the buy and throw away concept they are presented with.~~

~~More productions creates more profits. Just as simple as that~~

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