Eli5: How come when someone is shot their body becomes completely stiff or sometimes just drops and folds completely ?


Yes it’s a bit of a silly question but it has always stuck with me

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That only happens with headshots. When you cut brain-muscle connections by pressing the brains off button you essentially make muscles useless, so they just drop right where they are. Getting stiff is caused by brain suddenly firing up every neuron so causing a all over spasm.

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Yes it’s a bit of a silly question but it has always stuck with me

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That only happens with headshots. When you cut brain-muscle connections by pressing the brains off button you essentially make muscles useless, so they just drop right where they are. Getting stiff is caused by brain suddenly firing up every neuron so causing a all over spasm.

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