eli5: How computer read brain signal


Computer can read electromagnetic wave by transferring them from frequencies into binary code. ( correct me if im wrong). But how computer can turn brain signal into binary code and predict the movement of the individual ( such as monkey playing a game) how does human so powerful that they created binary code for one specific alphabet and it is same as what brain use it for the specific alphabet. For example, the binary code for letter A is 00001 and how does the brain come out with the same as well. or my understanding is wrong, pls help.

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I supposed you are talking about BCI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain%E2%80%93computer_interface

> or my understanding is wrong, pls help.

You’re understanding is wrong. I think the best way to approach this is by using analogy of OCR, where you use a computer to convert an image to text


So the computer sees an image of the letter “A”, a needs to convert it into the binary 00001. This is done by using a computer program that can detects patterns of data. The key thing is, it is patterns in data, so doesn’t matter if the data is an image, or sound (like speech to text) or recording of someone’s brain signal.

Of course you need a specialized program for each, but the concepts are similar.

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