[ELI5] How computers work using only 1s and 0s?


[ELI5] How computers work using only 1s and 0s?


8 Answers

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First of all, think of computers as having the purpose of displaying the correct image on screen, printing your document correctly, responding to keyboard and mouse presses correctly, and, in general, controlling other devices (speakers, VR goggles, whatever) so that YOU can interact with them. All of it is for your benefit.

So how does a screen work? Well, every dot of color that lights up to form your image, is controlled by a memory bit. If the memory is 1 (i.e. 5 volts in it), then the pixel of color lights up (5 volts in the pixel too). If the memory is 0, then the pixel is off (0 volts in it).

Your screen has a memory chip that matches the number of pixels, and whatever’s configured in that memory is displayed with the pixels.

So the computer’s processor and video card have the capability to flip 1’s and 0’s around, switching memory bits from 5v to 0v and back, millions of them very fast. Software just instructs the processor which memory bits to make 1 and 0, based on what you’re doing (typing, drawing, playing games, etc.).

The whole computer is a big math machine designed to work with 1’s and 0’s (5 volts and 0 volts) so that the attached devices show you the correct patterns of light and sound, which your brain then interprets as a game or a word processor software.

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