eli5 How did Avogadro get the number for a mole?


I understand how a mole works, however, I have no clue how Avogadro got the specific number of 6.02×10^23.

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9 Answers

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The actual process for figuring it out was compressing and decompressing gasses, measuring weight, then throwing math and analysis at the results until it all made sense (science). That process yields a ratio of particles to weight. Avogadro’s number is that ratio related to grams.

I have created a number, Mcgoo’s number. It is 10 ^ 20. I have create a new unit called a Goo which is the weight of 10 ^ 20 atoms of hydrogen. The periodic table now works as a reference for The Goo Mass. The mass of a McGoo of hydrogen is a Goo. There are 10^20 atoms in a Goo of hydrogen.

So the definition is circular, one thing defines the other. The significance of Avogadro’s number is that a gram was already a thing so they just rolled with it. The significance of McGoo’s number is it’s easy to remember on a chem exam. There is literally nothing preventing all of chemistry from changing to McGoo’s number, doing the algebra slightly differently, and getting perfectly reasonable useful numbers from it…other than it would be an incredible waste of time and money for no practical purpose.

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