ELi5: How did plastic straws specifically become targeted for eco-friendly banning, but similar disposables like plastic forks and spoons didn’t?


ELi5: How did plastic straws specifically become targeted for eco-friendly banning, but similar disposables like plastic forks and spoons didn’t?

In: Culture

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I knew of cutlery being targeted first. I was introduced to non-plastic biodegradable disposable tableware in the early 2000’s. This article on compostable cutlery (though not from ~2005 when I was actually introduced to those products) does predate the anti straw fad. http://www.biomasspackaging.com/how-compostable-utensils-are-made/

Single use plastics have been on the hit list for coming on decades (plural) now

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